Radio Regent News & Views is a weekly, hour-long news program for those who want to get behind the headlines, for analysis, interviews and alternative perspectives from a decidedly progressive point of view. Each week, David Wall and the news team deliver headlines, special documentaries and discussions, exploring important stories, internationally, regionally and locally. As in all things Radio Regent, the program is dedicated to inclusivity, diversity and positivity.
EDIT: News and Views has been continued by the following hosts: Ryan, Jessie, Thunder and Gabriel.
About David Wall
David Wall is a singer, composer and educator, with experience in television and radio. He lives in Toronto with his wife, Kyo and two sons, Yoshi & Mika.
Upcoming Vote and The Various Party Leaders
2021-09-17 - In this election-special episode of Radio Regent News and Views, David Wall speaks to Theo Nazary of Council Fire about the upcoming vote and the various party leaders; and we hear excerpts from a recent online All Candidates Meeting in the Toronto Centre riding.
Life In The Arts During COVID-19, The Toppling of Satue of Sir John A. MacDonald in Hamilton, Ontario
2021-09-10 - In this episode of Radio Ragent News and Views, journalist Jessi B interviews Jane Doe Smith, a Toronto based musician, fashion designer, video artist and community worker about a life in the arts during Covid 19; we’ll hear journalist Fred Alvarado’s report about a local Regent Park activist recently charged for the toppling of statue of Sir John A. MacDonald in Hamilton; and we’ll hear highlights from a recent event in Regent Park celebrating graduates of the Healing Black Leaders Project, a two week intensive course for Black community members of diverse ages.
Yolanda Bonnel (Queer, 2 Spirit Anishinaabe-Ojibwe Indigenous) performer and Playwrite, Current State of Affairs in Afghanistan
2021-09-03 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we hear an inspiring and thought provoking interview with Yolanda Bonnel, a Queer, 2 Spirit Anishinaabe-Ojibwe Indigenous performer and plawright; we hear a report from the four-day Peace and Unity event recently held in the Regent Park Athletic field, engaging with local youth in life skills development; and David Wall discusses the current state of affairs in Afghanistan with Theo Nazary, staff member at Council Fire. Theo left Afghanistan, the place of his birth, with his parents in 1994.
Renaming of Regent Park Aquatic Centre to Pam McConnel Centre with Mayor John Tory, Mothers of Peace and Regent Park Social Development Plan
2021-08-13 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist Daiem Mohammed reports on the recent renaming of the Regent Park Aquatic Centre to the Pam McConnell Centre, interviewing Mayor John Tory and others; We hear from different Agency and community members about the Regent Park Social Development Plan, part of the neighborhood’s ongoing revitalization initiative; Youth members of the Focus Media staff interview Regent Park community leader and inspirational figure Sureya Ibrahim about her organization Mother’s Peace, a support group for families who have experienced violence; and David Wall speaks to Ilija Dimeski, a Toronto-based lawyer who specializes in labour and human rights casework. He has spent many years advocating for marginalized workers who have faced improper treatment from employers.
Interview with Ontario-based Musician and Community Arts Worker: Michael O'Connel
2021-08-21 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist Jesse B interviews Michael O’Connell, a beloved Ontario-based musician and Community Arts Worker about his experiences being an artist during Covid and facilitating arts programming for marginalized youth in downtown Toronto; we hear excerpts from a recent renaming ceremony held in Regent Park, featuring Mayor John Tory, City Councillor Kristyn Wong Tam and others involving the Regent Park Aquatic Centre; and David Wall and law student and activist Ramesha Javed discuss her experiences learning about conditions for migrant workers in Ontario.
Interview with Liberal Member of Parliament for Toronto Centre: Marci Ien
2021-08-06 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we hear two reports by student groups currently working at Focus Media. Each summer, youth community members are welcomed into the Centre, given access to multi-media technology and encouraged to create content with a local community news emphasis. on today’s show, one group interviews Liberal Member of Parliament for Toronto Centre, Marci Ien, about homelessness in the community; and another group presents a report on the state of maintenance and general safety in St. Jamestown residential buildings. In addition, we'll hear a migrant worker tell his story of being wrongfully repatriated to his country of origin, unfortunately an all-too common occurrence in Canada.
Disabilities and Accessibility and Regent Park Revitalization Update
2021-07-16 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we present excerpts from two community current events radio shows created by summer student staff at the Focus Media Arts Centre in Regent Park, including excellent interviews with a person with disabilities and a community youth worker; we’ll hear the question/answer segment form a recent online forum in which local community members engaged with representatives from organizations collaborating on phases four and five of the Regent Park revitalization; and David Wall speaks to Lori, a Windsor - based nurse who volunteers supporting migrant workers in Leemington, Ontario.
2021-07-09 - | Read More
The Efficacy of Online Learning During COVID19
2021-06-11 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist Nea Maaty discusses the efficacy of online learning during Covid with educator Thorn Rox Hayward and students of St Jamestown’s Rose Avenue School; Professor Ian Williams continues his interview with award-winning poet, academic and memoirist Jordan Abel about his latest hybrid memoir, Nishga; and David Wall speaks to York University Psychology Professor Michaela Hynie about the social determinants of mental health in refugee and migrant populations.
Interview with Nadijla Banasi, a Client Care Coordinator at The South Riverdale Community Health Centre and Interview with Denise Soueidan O'Leary and Tomas Linder about the Community Wealth Feasability Project
2021-04-09 - In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, David Wall speaks to Nadjla Banaei, a Client Care Coordinator at the South Riverdale Comunity Health Centre about her ongoing advocacy for Ontario’s uninsured; we’ll hear an interview with project leads Denise Soueidan O’Leary and Thomas Linder about the Community Wealth Feasability Project, a research initiative exploring the potential for the development of a new sustainable economic model for Regent Park; and the people at Focus Media in Regent Park answer important questions on the minds of many about the Covid vaccine.
Interview with Rowena Pinto, Chief Program Officer about Systemic Racism, Gender Inequity and Child Marriages
2021-03-12 - In theis episode of Radio regent News and Views, Journalist Georgie Alford talks to Rowena Pinto, Chief Program Officer of Unicef Canada about a number of issues, including systematic racism, gender inequity and Child Marriages; and David Wall welcomes activist Gabriel Allahdua back to the show to continue their discussion about the struggles of migrant workers in Canada, this time focussing on the specific effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021-03-05 - | Read More
2021-02-26 - | Read More
2021-02-11 - | Read More
2021-01-15 - | Read More
2021-01-01 - | Read More
2020-12-11 - Foodshare, Regent Park Evaluation Bench Mark, City of Toronto’s Regent Park Social Development Plan | Read More
2020-12-04 - SDP Employment and Economic Development Working Group, To Work or Not to Work; Youth Employment in a Pandemic | Read More
2020-11-20 - Online Panel "Where Do We Go From Here?", Migrant worker in Leemington | Read More
2020-11-13 - Interview with a nanny in Canada from the Philippines | Read More
2020-10-16 - Climate Change, COVID19 Impact on Human Trafficing | Read More
2020-10-09 - Activist Salmaan Khan about the roots of racism, International Overdose Awareness Day | Read More
2020-10-02 - History of Racism within Toronto Police | Read More
2020-09-25 - Regent Park Community Pods Initiative | Read More
2020-09-18 - Policing and race in Toronto | Read More
2020-09-04 - Struggles for racial justice | Read More
2020-08-28 - Interview with Toronto Centre MPP Suze Morrison and Bill 174 | Read More
2020-08-21 - New development at 150 River Street in Regent Park | Read More
2020-08-07 - Re-opening of schools during COVID19, BLM, Injured migrant workers in Canada | Read More
2020-07-31 - W.H.O. on COVID19, Migrant Workers in New Brunswick, Salon Businesses during COVID19 | Read More